Ing. Emil Mikula, SPŠ Strojnícka Bratislava

I am glad I could have experienced the participation in your teacher training programme, run differently/INAK (trainings in Pardubice, CZ and Harlow/London, UK). I have never experienced any training of this kind before.

Juan Diego Lopez Giraldo, VITA 21., Spain

We started to collaborate with INAK on educational projects in 2014, with ENVIMOBILE,, a project funded by ERASMUS+ program, dealing with teacher training on environmental education (EE), developing educational materials in 7 main topics about EE and developing an app called ECOUP. All these educational materials are open and free for general public and were written in 5 languages, Slovak, Czech, Italian, Spanish and English, and our collaboration was a great sucess during a two years project. We hope to collaborate with INAK again soon enhancing our mutual interest and common goal about education for sustainability.

Ing. Jozef Kahan, PhD., Predseda Rady Stromu života

In my 16-teens I joined the volunteers at the Tree of Life, who rescued the natural and cultural heritage in Slovakia. At that time I personally met with Adriana Kováčová, who launched the environmental education programs for elementary schools in our NGO. These programs she has run for about 20 years now and still continue. Adriana was among the first methodologists and teachers´ trainers in the Tree of life (Strom života). We currently work together on a number of national and international projects. Her many years experience, professional and responsible approach guarantees us the reliability and quality. The outputs of the projects in which Adriana with her colleagues from INAK participate, have always been compiled in terms of usability for practice, and with the emphasis on the use of interesting innovative methods, supporting the interest of students. From these reasons the cooperation with INAK I can recommend with good conscience.

Mrs. Jana Maštrlová, Secondary Vocational Automotive School, Bratislava, Slovakia

INAK Ngo is a partner focused on quality, partner, who listens and also provides wise arguments. It is a partner for who failed results are unacceptable and in spite of it doesn´t forget to always apply the principles of politeness and humanity, as the key background idea of all creative activities.

Mr. Ladislav Šatka, Štátny inštitút odborného vzdelávania, Bratislava, Slovakia

I evaluate the cooperation with Adriana Kováčová and Janka Sýkorová as very positive from the point of their expertise, professionalism and also organizational perspective.

Mrs. Dagmar Václaviková, APEL, Bratislava, Slovakia

As ECVET Tour 2 project coordinator we express our complete satisfaction with cooperation with INAK representatives. Our communications was excellent and always prompt from the very beginning. Final external evaluation report, provided by INAK, and also evaluation of individual project outputs were worked out very precisely and in detail, describing weak and strong aspects of the project outputs, including the summary of recommendations and lessons learnt for further work on the project. Based on this experience, we gladly and sincerely recommend INAK representatives as objective and reliable project evaluators.

Mr. Alan Church, Automotive Technician Training, Shenfield, Essex, United Kingdom

ATT Training Ltd (ATT) have worked with the proprietors of INAK; Adriana Kováčová and Jana Sýkorová on many LdV Transfer of innovation projects during the time span of 2008 until 2014. These projects, during that time, were undertaken with CfME. The projects focused upon the development of educational resources specific to the educational sector. ATT Training Ltd.’s experience during these projects was wholly productive and indeed benefited ATT in many ways. I would also like to say that the professionalism shown by the individuals, Jana and Adriana was exceptional and ATT would be gladly having the opportunity to work with them again in the future.